Russian exports of farming machinery soar to record high on demand from EU CIS

Exports of Russian agricultural machinery grew by some 50% in the first nine months of 2021, smashing last year’s record.

“The volume of exports of Russian agricultural machinery in the first nine months of 2021 increased by 50% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 16.3 billion rubles ($230 million), which is already more than the record volume of exports at the end of 2020,” the Russian association of specialized equipment manufacturers, Rosspetsmash, said on Monday. In 2020, the figure stood at 15.9 billion rubles ($224 million).

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In the reporting period, Russian agricultural machines were delivered to farmers in 34 countries. Among the major importers were CIS states and the European Union, while Russian manufacturers also continue to increase supplies to Mongolia, Scandinavia, Africa, the Middle East and Brazil.

Shipments to Serbia, Hungary and Poland increased more than four times, while deliveries to Azerbaijan and Slovakia have more than doubled. Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Germany and the Czech Republic also stepped up purchases of Russian agricultural machines this year. Rosspetsmash data shows that the largest export growth was recorded in fertilizer application machinery, agricultural tractors, self-propelled mowers, cultivators, harrows and grain harvesters.

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According to officials, one of the main reasons for the growth of contracts for Russian machinery is the high price for farming machinery on the global market, which allows farmers to invest additional funds in updating their agricultural fleet. Also, they note that unlike other producers, Russian manufacturers do not suffer from component supply shortages, as most of the parts are produced and assembled within the country. This allows equipment producers to increase output on demand without delays.

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